Saturday, 30 April 2016

Family-friendly boutique hotels

Boutique hotels aren’t just designed for wealthy couples or adults only. Many boutique hotels welcome children and families.

Should families be excluded from the boutique hotels experience? Many hotels in this sector think not, and happily open their doors to families with children of all ages, providing a range of services and facilities to suit this market. For many families, the size and location of these hotels is perfect for a family holiday, and allows their children to experience great design, service and cuisine from an early age.

Beach holidays

What child doesn’t want to go on a beach holiday? Yet what parent doesn’t want a bit of sophistication and style when it comes to spending time near the sea? Boutique accommodation in some of the world’s most attractive beach resorts can cater for children, allowing them to enjoy the simple pleasures of the sand and sea, whilst parents can enjoy the best food, thoughtful beach accessories and rooms that are designed to bring the outdoors in. Examples of these hotels include the Beach House in Marbella, the Elounda Gulf Villas and Suites in Crete, the JK Place Capri in Italy and the Villa Floriana in Croatia.

City trips

Taking the family to see some of the most famous sights in the world is usually a good reason for a city break. European cities like London, Seville, Vienna, Paris and Rome are all full of exciting things to do, no matter what age your children. Museums, art galleries, boat excursions, theatre trips, adventure parks – a city break can encompass all of these and a boutique hotel is a great place to relax at the end of a hard day’s sightseeing. Great service means that your children can get a glass of milk or a cup of hot chocolate and something to eat to keep them going, and the central location of many of these hotels makes them an ideal base for exploring. Try the Egerton House Hotel in London, the hip Seven One Seven in Amsterdam, the Palacio Belmonte in Lisbon or the Hotel le Pavillon de Paris in the French capital.

Countryside capers

Explore a fabulous rural landscape by taking your family to a countryside boutique hotel. Hire bikes or take the bus into nearby towns and villages, or visit historic monuments, or simply go for a walk. Spending time in the countryside is a great way to unwind and the boutique environment gives you the perfect opportunity to relax. Choose one with a pool, and your children will be happy to stay and play whilst you read, use the spa or just take in the view. For a real treat, take a look at La Bastide de Marie in Provence, La Villa Hotel in Piedmont, Italy, the Cotswold House Hotel in Gloucestershire or the Kasbah du Toubkal in Morocco’s Atlas Mountains.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Bons plans pour mariage express

Encore jeune et pas fortunй, pourquoi se privez de ce que la vie vus offre de plus prйcieux pour fonder une famille? Le mariage.

Alors qu'un mariage sur le vieux continent s'йvalue entre 10 000 et 15 000 euros, las Vegas vous offre des prestations pour dix fois moins cher, et en plus sortant de l'ordinaire.

Que vous faut il faire. Bon, d'accord, il faut acheter le billet, mais ensuite?

Ensuite rien de plus simple, rendez vous au Bureau des Mariages (Clark County Marriage License - 201 Clark Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89155 - Tel. (702) 671-0600) munis des papiers suivants: carte d'identitй prouvant que vous avez plus de 18 ans, en cas de prйcйdent divorce, n'oubliez pas de prendre avec vous la copie de votre acte de divorce.

Ensuite, c'est а vous de voir.

Une simple cйrйmonie civile au Bureau des Mariages vous coыtera qu'une cinquantaine de dollars et ne durera qu'une demie heure.

Les cйlиbres chapelles long du Las Vegas strip reconnaissables par leur jardins de roses vous offres des services pour une somme comprise entre $200 et 500 dollars qui regroupent un forfait de mariage comprenant l'utilisation de la chapelle, la cйrйmonie de mariage, des fleurs, de la musique et des photos. Les forfaits plus coыteux comprennent plus d'extras comme le transfert depuis votre hфtel en limousine ou Elvis Presley comme tйmoin.

Ou encore, les casinos. Selon le thиme que vous dйsirez pour votre mariage, rendez-vous soit l'hфtel Excalibur pour un mйdiйval, sinon MGM Grand a un mariage en montagnes russes, Treasure Island offre un mariage de pirates а bord de son bateau HMS Brittania et le Las Vegas Hilton propose un mariage Star Trek а bord du vaisseau spatial Enterprise avec des tйmoins Klingon et des invitйs Ferengi. Les prix varient alors de de 350 $ а 3500 $, voir d'avantage. Mais vous йtes tout prets des salles de blackjack et des machines а sous.

Pour la Lune de Miel, en panne d'idйes ou de sous? Pourquoi ne pas faire un tour du monde depuis Las Vegas?

Las Vegas, autre ses casinos, vous permet en effet de dйcouvrir les sept merveilles du monde en un clin d'oeil. Vous voulez Paris et le charme de ses cafйs? Pas de problиme, rendez-vous au Paris Las Vegas! Ici, des votre arrivйe, la Tour Eiffel, l'Arc de triomphe sans oublier le cйlиbre opйra Garnier vous accueillent a bras ouverts! Dans une architecture trиs Franchie style Haussmannien, vous retrouvez toutes les spйcialitйs franзaises et europйennes au sein de ses fameux restaurants, sans oublier son casino.

Envie subite de vous dйpayser. Rendez-vous Venetian! A Venise et ses gondoles... Quelle femme digne de ce nom ne souhaiterait pas passez sa lune de miel dans ce dйcor pittoresque, et rкvasser comme une jeune fille a l'aube de ses 20 ans, en attendant Casanova... Venez vous dйtendre au Venetian. Cet hфtel recrйe pour vous les fameux canaux, les gondoles, les palais vйnitiens et la rйplique de la Piazza San Marco. Elйgance et raffinement caractйrisent le Venetian et ses 3000 chambres. Le Venetian abrite йgalement une superbe galerie d'art avec le Guggenheim Hermitage Museum. Et pour dйcouvrir encore plus de l'Italie, direction le Tuscany Suites Casino

Pour les nostalgiques d'Astйrix et Obelix et du fameux Ave Cйsar, prйcipitez vous vite au Caesar's Palace! Conзue sur le modиle de la Rome antique, le Caesar's Palace accueille йgalement des championnats du monde de boxe et des grands spectacles de vedette.

Envie de vous retrouvez sur une оle paradisiaque? Essayer le Tahiti! Ses bananiers, les tropiques et les plages de sable fin, Pourquoi trop attendre.

Alors, qu'attendez vous pour passer la bague au doigt?

Capitalizing on the benefits of a foreign language translation firm

In today’s ever-expanding world of business on an ever-shrinking planet, not only is it easy to market your organization’s products and services globally, but it is also just good business sense. With the prevalence of the Internet in every aspect of our English-speaking culture and society, it makes sense to reach out globally and put your products and/or services out for the whole world to take advantage of. Though it seems like the Internet has reduced the size of our world, marked cultural and language barriers still exist which make marketing a product or service from an English-speaking organization to a foreign market an immense challenge. In order to succeed globally, you must consider foreign language translation as a necessary faction of your organization. Whether you are considering opening offices internationally, or you just want to make your services available to foreign markets, consider employing the services of a professional foreign language translation firm in order to make every aspect of your business (both electronic and paper-based) understandable and user-friendly to whatever nationality you decide to promote your business to.

In order to fully make the most of the foreign expansion of your business, you might want to open offices in other countries in addition to providing services and products via the Internet. This might require you to hire staff members in those countries who are not native English speakers. Though this will no doubt be a benefit in helping your organization immerse itself into another culture, and help your products and/or services gain a foothold there, it will also prove challenging in trying to adapt your organization’s policies and procedures to a group of employees that will not be able to read manuals and documents in English, and not understand some of the informal grammar. For this reason, hiring a foreign language translation organization is a sensible business decision.

A foreign language translation firm typically employs native speakers from many different countries. Not only do their employees have an inherent grasp on one or more foreign languages, but they are also fluent in the English language. In addition, it is possible to hire staff that are specialists in particular areas of business, which helps to facilitate translations and allows the translators to convert your materials into understandable, relevant, and culturally sensitive documents. For your business, translators can adapt software, training and development materials, web sites, and internal organization documentation. Foreign language translation firms utilize the latest software that will translate documentation into nearly every language on Earth, as well as translate documentation into English, so that the lines of communication will be open and unhindered. Many different fields of industry utilize foreign language translation firms, including the medical field, the legal field, the computer industry, and of course, the business and marketing fields.

If you are considering the global development of your business, educating yourself on the cultures of those countries you plan to approach is very important. There are often strict differences among countries, even if they are neighbors to one another. There are also often strict differences between English-speaking and non-English-speaking countries. Being sensitive to other cultural standards will help you to understand the business climate of whatever country you want to expand your business into. This is of utmost importance for successful expansion into non-English-speaking countries. For that reason, taking advantage of one of the many online foreign language translators that are available is a sensible method of education for yourself and your organization. There are several web page translators that are available online for free. Taking the time to research the demands of your potential customers will pay off for you in the long run.

For worldwide expansion of your business, there is no more sensible decision to make than to employ a foreign language translation organization to tend to the conversion of all of your English-based business documents into whatever foreign language you need. And taking the time to research the non-English speaking markets you wish to expand into will help you understand the cultural climates you intend to take your products and/or services into. Foreign language translators make the transition into the global business community easier for your business. foreign-languages-school. com

Find the essential information on where and how to learn a new or second language at Foreign Language Translation

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Here s how you can stop your dog from pulling on the leash during walks

Pulling on the leash is one of the most common misbehaviors seen on all kinds of dogs. Puppies and adult dogs alike can often be seen taking their owners for walks, instead of the other way around. Pulling on the leash can be much more than an annoying habit. Leash pulling can lead to escape in the case of a break in the collar or leash, and an out of control, off leash dog can be both destructive and dangerous to itself and to others.

Leash pulling can result from a variety of different things. In some cases, the dog may simply be so excited to go for a walk that he or she is unable to control themselves. In other cases, the dog sees itself as the leader of the pack, and he or she simply takes the “leadership position” at the front of the pack.

If excitement is the motivation for leash pulling, simply giving the dog a few minutes to calm down can often be a big help. Simply stand with the dog on the leash for a couple minutes and let the initial excitement of the upcoming walk pass. After the initial excitement ahs worn off, many dogs are willing to walk calmly on their leash.

If the problem is one of control, however, some retraining may be in order. All dog training starts with the owner establishing him or herself as the alpha dog, or pack leader, and without this basic respect and understanding, no effective training can occur. For dogs exhibiting these type of control issues, a step back to basic obedience commands is in order.

These dogs can often be helped through a formal obedience school structure. The dog trainer will of course be sure to train the handler as well as the dog, and any good dog trainer will insist on working with the dog owner as well as the dog.

The basis of teaching the dog to walk calmly on the lead is teaching it to calmly accept the collar and lead. A dog that is bouncing up and down while the collar is being put on will not walk properly. Begin by asking your dog to sit down, and insisting that he sit still while the collar is put on. If the dog begins to get up, or gets up on his own after the collar is on, be sure to sit him back down immediately. Only begin the walk after the dog has sat calmly to have the collar put on, and continued to sit calmly as the leash is attached.

Once the leash is attached, it is important to make the dog walk calmly toward the door. If the dog jumps or surges ahead, gently correct him with a tug of the leash and return him to a sitting position. Make the dog stay, then move on again. Repeat this process until the dog is walking calmly by your side.

Repeat the above process when you reach the door. The dog should not be allowed to surge out of the door, or to pull you through the open door. If the dog begins this behavior, return the dog to the house and make him sit quietly until he can be trusted to walk through the door properly. Starting the walk in control is vital to creating a well mannered dog.

As you begin your walk, it is vital to keep the attention of the dog focused on you at all times. Remember, the dog should look to you for guidance, not take the lead himself. When walking, it is important to stop often. Every time you stop, your dog should stop. Getting into the habit of asking your dog to sit down every time you stop is a good way to keep your dog’s attention focused on you.

Make sure your dog is looking at you, then move off again. If the dog begins to surge ahead, immediately stop and ask the dog to sit. Repeat this process until the dog is reliability staying at your side. Each time the dog does what you ask him to, be sure to reward him with a treat, a toy or just your praise.

Remember that if your dog pulls on the leash and you continue to walk him anyway, you are inadvertently rewarding that unwanted behavior. Dogs learn whether you are teaching them or not, and learning the wrong things now will make learning the right things later that much harder.

It is important to be consistent in your expectations. Every time the dog begins to pull ahead, immediately stop and make the dog sit. Continue to have the dog sit quietly until his focus is solely on you. Then start out again, making sure to immediately stop moving if the dog surges ahead.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Australian visas - tourist and family-related visits

If you want to holiday or visit family in Australia, unless you are a New Zealand citizen, you will need to obtain an Australian visa before you travel. The type of visa you will need broadly depends on what you intend to do in Australia, your nationality and the length of time you want to stay in Australia, but you will probably need either an Electronic Travel Authority (Visitor) or a Tourist visa or a Sponsored Family Visitor visa. Whichever the case, you should apply for the full period of time that you want to remain in Australia, because once there, it is possible that you will be unable to extend your visa.

The Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) (Visitor) is just as it sounds - electronic and therefore you may not get a stamp or label in your passport but don't worry, the Australian immigration officers will have a record of your visa.

You can apply for an ETA (Visitor) if you wish to stay for less than three months, if you are outside Australia and hold a passport from one of the 34 eligible countries. You will find a full list of these on the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs website, but included are most countries from Western Europe and Scandinavia, the USA and a number of Far Eastern countries. There are special arrangements for citizens of countries not on the eligible list. An ETA (Visitor) Visa may be obtained via a travel agent or an airline, direct on the Internet or at an Australian visa office in your country of residence. There is no charge for this type of visa unless you apply over the Internet.

You may apply for a Tourist Visa whether you are inside or outside Australia and the duration will usually be 3 or 6 months but can sometimes extend to 12 months if you can prove your ability to support yourself during your stay. Applications for Tourist Visas may be made via the Internet if you are a passport holder of an eligible country, or via a registered travel agent, airline or service provider, a list of which can be found on the website mentioned above.

A Sponsored Family Visitor Visa is applicable for stays between 3 and 12 months and to apply you must be outside Australia and have a sponsor within Australia who is a family member, a member of an Australian parliament or other authorised person. To apply, you will need to complete a form, get a certified copy of your passport and send it all to your sponsor in Australia. Your sponsor will need to complete a different form and make the application on your behalf, sending all the paperwork to the applicable office.

Anyone who is not eligible to apply for an ETA Visitor or Tourist Visa over the Internet can complete a paper application which can be mailed to specific offices of the Australian government overseas.

Australian Visa - Business Visits

If you need to visit Australia on business, even for a very short period of time, you will need to apply for an Australian visa. This article gives some basic details of the three types of business visa available.

There are three types of visa available for business visits to Australia. It should be noted that a business visit is NOT the same as "working" in the context of applying for an Australian visa.

The first is a Short Stay Business Visa which is suitable for a visit of less than three months. This will cover a business person for normal business meetings, negotiations and conferences and may be applied for through their chosen airline or via the internet. This is a Business Electronic Travel Authority (ETA). Alternatively, applications may be made in writing.

The second type of business visa is a Sponsored Business Visitor (short stay) Visa. In order to quality for this type of visa, a business person will need to be sponsored by a member of an Australian parliament, an authorised government agency, local mayor or other authorised organisation and the sponsor will need to guarantee that their visitor will abide by all the visa conditions including that which specifies the date by which they must leave the country.

The third business visa is a Temporary Business (Long Stay) visa. To apply for one of these, an applicant must have an approved employer as a sponsor who has an eligible position available. The employer can be an Australian or overseas company and the employee must be a foreign national with the applicable skills to fill the position. The eligible position must have been approved as a skilled occupation suitable for this program, must be full time and of a minimum salary as well as meeting various Australian laws and award requirements. However, before the employee can apply for a visa, the employer will need to apply to be a sponsor of overseas employees and nominate the job vacancies to be filled. The nomination period will be 12 months or until all the vacancies are filled, whichever is the shorter. The sponsorship will be for a period of 2 years and the visa period may be anything from 3 months to 4 years. However, if the employee wishes to change employment, he will need to find a new approved sponsor with an eligible position and re-apply for a visa.

Full details of all the above can be found on the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs website.

In our next article, we will look at working in Australia as opposed to being a business visitor.

A plan of action

You have finally made the decision that it is time to make some changes in your life. You know that the only way things are going to get better for you financially, spiritually and physically is if you sit up and take action. You know you have to put forth the effort in order to reap the rewards.

So how exactly are you going to implement these changes? You are going to have a "plan of action".

A plan of action is crucial to your success. Without a plan it is merely a thought. When you add your thoughts to paper coupled with a desire to see them become realities and proceed to do everything possible to fulfill that desire you have a template for success.

A simple equation to use when creating a plan of action from your template is: Desire + Effort = Results.

Your first step is to write down what exactly it is you desire. Albeit wealth, personal development or whatever you so strongly yearn for that you simply can no longer go without, write it down. Make your desires realistic. For example, if your desire is to lose 20 pounds, it is unrealistic to believe you can lose 20 pounds in 3 days. However, it is possible to lose 20 pounds in 3 months with a proper plan of action. It is important to note that there should be a time frame with regards to your plan. These time frames are the milestones to marking your achievements.

Now that you know what your specific desire is, list the ways in which you plan on achieving optimum results. How do I plan to lose these 20 pounds? What do I have to do each day in order to achieve my goal? What do I personally need to do to see this plan come to fruition?

Set up a schedule outlining each step that needs to be taken daily to achieve weekly goals. Be specific. Create a daily "to do" list. At the end of the week you will be able to see how much you were able to accomplish. Congratulate yourself for each accomplishment.

Make a commitment to yourself to "Work the Plan". Stay focused on the positive. List all the reasons why you will be able to achieve your objective. Utilize the strengths you possess that will help you to complete your plan.

Know your weaknesses and make a concerted effort to overcome them. Incorporate both your strengths and weakness into your plan of action. Know what you are capable of and know what your shortcomings are.

Have your own personal reward system in place. Know what each reward will be for each accomplishment that you have fulfilled throughout your plan. With every desired result you achieve there should be a reward for having done so. An incentive plan customized to your wants.

Do not let yourself get disheartened. If you have a temporary lapse or deviation from the plan acknowledge it and continue to move forward with your plan. Keep the pedal to the metal or your nose to the grindstone, just keep on taking action. Remember, this is not a race to the finish line. Your plan is your future. Take the time to nurture and understand it.

We've all heard the adage "Rome was not built in a day". Your success regarding your plan of action will not be achieved in one day either. Success is a process and the process is something you have a long-term plan for.

"You and only you can determine if the reward is worth the price you are paying for it in effort".

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Spice up your life with free polyphonic ringtone


An ordinary ring is all you can hear when someone is calling you. It does not invite you to readily answer the phone. Your hello seems unenthusiastic. Everything seems dull because of a monotonous ringtone. That was before!

Nowadays you have wide variety options to spice up your mobile phone. One such is using polyphonic ringtones.

A polyphonic ringtone is a sound which utilizes polyphony. Normally there are two or more musical notes which are created together. For instance it has the ability to play music from a guitar and music from a piano simultaneously.

Polyphonic ringtones is not always music-based. You have the option to have a musical polyphonic ringtone or a non-musical one. Any type of sounds even voice recordings can be utilized as polyphonic ringtones. Spoken voice, special occasion tones, jokes are some examples of non-musical tones. For musical polyphonic ringtone, you have the option to choose from the different music genre such as rock, movie themes, folk songs, classical and other more.

Most individuals prefer polyphonic ringtone because of its non-irritating resonance to the ear. Some the advantages of polyphonic ringtones are:

• It has good-quality sound.

• It is compatible to most mobile phone models.

• It is competent to the consumers in terms of downloading to numerous handsets.

• It is cost-effective.

Polyphonic ringtones are seen as cost-effective compared to other types of ringtones. However, there are still mobile phone users who wish to obtain this type of ringtone for free. Here are some ways which you can get polyphonic ringtones at no cost.

You can choose to visit your mobile phone manufacturer. Visiting your mobile phone company is a good way for you to know the important facts you need to understand about acquiring polyphonic ringtone. Such fact you need to confirm is your phone’s compatibility with polyphonic ringtones. You may also inquire about on-going promotions with regard to free polyphonic ringtones.

The Internet is a good venue to scout for polyphonic ringtones. Patience and sense of adventure is what you need for you to come up with a good ringtone web site. You have to be cautious upon choosing which site to go. Some might offer you free polyphonic ringtones but you’ll end up paying for it. Carefully read labels or footnotes on their site before you jump into their “free polyphonic ringtone” advertisement.

Another way to obtain free polyphonic ringtone is to compose your own. This will cost you nothing! If your phone has a ringtone composer feature then you can take advantage of it. What you need to do is have a copy of the tone you wish to compose.

Other mobile phones require software to complete the composition process. Such software is known as the “ringtone converter.” You may ask your mobile phone company which specific composition software is fitted with your phone.

A ringtone – it portrays many aspects of your life. It can tell your personality. It can identify or even create your mood. That is why more people are learning to modify their ringtones to project something different – a unique you.

Whatever portrayal a ringtone have in your life, the most important thing is enjoying what you have without completely emptying your pocket.

A free polyphonic ringtone can definitely make your day bright and light! Try it.

Nutritional supplements are they really essential for good health

Why should I take nutritional supplements? Can't I just eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water, etc.? A fair question. After all, quality nutritional supplements are not cheap. Let's look at the arguments for taking nutritional supplements in addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Argument #1: Our foods no longer contain the nutrition they should

Due to modern processing and farming methods, foods that should be high in certain nutrients no longer are. For example, the tomato is an excellent source of phytonutrients, specifically, lycopene. But when you buy a tomato from the grocery store, there is little to no lycopene or other nutrients left in it. The tomato was likely grown on nutrient depleted soil, fertilized and sprayed with toxic chemicals, picked green, then gassed to turn it red. Little wonder it has no nutrition value left!

Another culprit in the nutrition depletion of foods is our food cooking and preparation. Even if you could by some magic acquire a nutrient rich tomato, cooking or storing the tomato will destroy most of the nutrients. For example, studies have shown that phytonutrients begin breaking down less than 24 hours after the vegetable was picked!

Of course, there are many other factors contributing to the poor nutrient content of our foods: breeding, GMOs, storage, etc, etc. Once you consider all of the factors causing the poor nutrient content in our food, it becomes quite logical to take supplements to replace these nutrients.

Argument #2: We no longer eat the right foods

If you eat a 100% organic, fresh diet, you're a long ways ahead of the rest of us. Of course, the foods you're eating are still nutrient depleted, as we saw above.

But for the rest of us, we need to supplement our diets also because we're just not eating the foods we should. Currently, french fries are the most consumed vegetable in the United States. We're just not getting the nutrients we need!

Argument #3: Environmental stress necessitates nutritional supplements

The Los Angeles Times ran an article last year revealing a startling finding: scientists announced that by the time a child born in LA was 2 weeks old, he had already been exposed to more toxins than would be acceptable for his entire life! While we don't all live in Los Angeles, we're all subject to environmental stress that puts extra burden on our immune systems. Even our drinking water has chemicals and toxins in it.

The best way to counter the stress on your body's health caused by all of these toxins and such is to support your body with proper nutrition. Since our foods are nutrient depleted, the only way to properly support your health is through nutritional supplements.

Argument #4: Nutritional supplements allow us to benefit from nutrient rich foods around the world.

Even if our foods weren't nutrient depleted and our environment wasn't toxic, nutritional supplements would still have benefit. They allow us to benefit from plants and nutrient rich foods found around the world that otherwise we would be unable to benefit from. Good examples would be the goji berry from China, the Australian bush plum, and many others.

Do you want optimal health? The only way to properly support your body's health is to take quality nutritional supplements.

Monday, 25 April 2016

How to get affordable car insurance in massachusetts

Almost every driver in Massachusetts is looking for affordable car insurance. And why not? You may have to purchase car insurance to drive a vehicle on a public road in Massachusetts, but there's no sense in over-paying for your insurance.

One of the surest ways of finding affordable car insurance in Massachusetts is to compare the prices of car insurance online. However, unless you know how to fill out the forms on the price comparison websites so that you create the lowest-priced car insurance policy to begin with you're really not going to save all that much money.

So let's take a look at some of the things you can do to create a low-priced policy.

Can you keep your car in a garage at night? If your car is not parked in the open, available to thieves and vandals, you will save money on your insurance each month.

Can you drive less? Taking public transportation for as much of your "driving" as possible could save you money in several ways, including lower car insurance. If you can keep your driving under 500 miles per month you may qualify for a Low Mileage Discount.

A portion of your premium is probably based on the fact that you drive back and forth to work everyday. If you could carpool and cut the number of days that you drive back and forth to work each month in half, the savings on your car insurance could be substantial.

If you stop working and stop driving to work and back at all you should definitely let your agent know.

Make automatic premium payments from your bank account each month. If your insurance company doesn't have to send out a bill each month they should reward you by giving you a small break on your insurance.

Some companies give you a hefty break on your insurance if you purchase even simple anti-theft devices such as a steering wheel lock or a device to disable your fuel pump unless you hit a secret switch. Ask your agent if installing such security devices will lower your insurance costs.

Find group car insurance. Often you can purchase low-cost group car insurance at your place of work. If not, see if any clubs or organizations or groups that you belong to offer their members group car insurance. If not, ask family and friends if they belong to any groups or associations that offer members low cost group car insurance - if so, see about joining.

If you are married put the wife on the policy as the primary driver and the husband as the secondary driver. Women pay less for car insurance and setting up your policy in this way will save you money every month.

If you have towing or car rental through AAA or through a credit card, then there is no need to pay for it each month as part of your car insurance.

Young drivers should stay in school and keep their grades up. A "B" or better grade should earn you a minimum 5% Good Student Discount.

Older drivers can sometimes get a break on their insurance if they take a special driver's refresher course. Talk to your agent and see if your company offers this discount.

Older cars that have little or no Kelly Blue Book value should be removed from any comprehensive or collision coverage. In fact, your vehicle loses value each year and you should be decreasing your collision and comprehensive coverage to match your car's declining value.

Increase your deductible. This is a sure-fire way to lower your monthly car insurance premium, but care must be taken that you don't increase your deductible to the level that you can't afford to pay it if you should have a claim.

Finally you'll want to find at least 3 websites that encourage you to compare the prices of car policies from different insurance companies. Using everything you have learned from this article you should fill out the forms on a minimum of 3 different websites. But be careful that you fill out all three forms in exactly the same way so that your comparisons have some value.

Once you've done this then all that's left is for you to choose the lowest-priced policy and smile, smile, smile, since you now know exactly how to get affordable car insurance in Massachusetts and save money month after month!

The cause of back pain

While there are many factors that can contribute to back pain, one of the most common problems is poor posture. Some people get into the habit of sitting or standing improperly, and over time this contributes to pain in their backs. Understanding the causes of back pain will allow you to avoid it, and will lead to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

When someone first begins feeling pain in their back, they can easily correct it by improving their posture. However, if you don't correct your posture your joints will eventually begin to wear out over time. Studies have shown that in the long term, the ageing of joints in your back can be just as extreme as the effects of suffering a back injury.

People who continue to have poor posture will eventually feel the effects of ageing. Their poor joints will force them to stoop over, and their mobility will be greatly decreased. With the rising costs of healthcare, it will be expensive to correct such problems, if it is even possible to correct them at all. Is it not better to correct your posture while you still have the chance?

The vast majority of the deformities seen in the elderly are a result of poor posture. Often, other parts of the body are affected such as the lungs, which will not be able to get a proper amount of oxygen due to the upper body being bent over. This may also eventually cause problems with your stomach and other organs.

While many people consider weak back joints to be just a normal part of ageing, by taking a few simple steps everyday people can avoid back problems in the long term. By standing up at least once a day and bending backward, people can avoid back pain.

Doing this simple routine on a daily basis can keep your from being impaired when you get older. Walking or running can help people to relieve pain in their lower backs. Because most people drive or work in an office, they have less time for running or walking. Exercising is an important part of keeping both your back and the rest of your body healthy.

Back pain is something that millions of people suffer from, and there is not reason for them to continue. By exercising and sitting correctly, many of these problems can be avoided. Getting treatment for the problem once it has become out of control will be costly. It is much less expensive to just practice good posture and exercise on a regular basis.

Sitting improperly is one of the leading causes for back pain. Once you begin having problems in your lower back, sitting improperly will exacerbate the problem. It is also important to stand up and lay down properly also. You may find that you suffer pain in your lower back only at certain times, such as when you sleep or stand for extended periods of time. If this is the case, it can be easily corrected by practicing good posture.

Fast cash payday loan online i m so mad about choosing the wrong lender again

In today's world there are some reputable sources for a fast cash payday loan online. The key, is to make sure that you connect with a resource for a fast cash payday loan online that is reputable, experienced and reliable. When it comes to finding a reputable experienced, and reliable resource for a fast cash payday loan online there are a variety of important factors that you do need to bear in mind.

When it comes to a fast cash payday loan online source, experience really does matter. You do want to engage a fast cash payday loan online provider that has been in business for a reasonable period of time.

In seeking a reliable fast cash payday loan online resource, keep in mind the importance of word of mouth. Even though we live in a high-tech age, word of mouth is extremely important when it comes to engaging professional services, including a lender that will provide to you fast cash payday loan online.

You may even want to consider obtaining information from a place like the Better Business Bureau to determine whether there have been any substantial complaints filed against a particular fast cash payday loan online lender.

You also will want to spend some time shopping around. There are different fees and charges that are utilized by different fast cash payday loan online providers. You can save a good amount of money on these fees and charges by shopping around for the most reasonably priced program offered by a fast cash payday loan online lender. And, obviously, you do not want to take out this type of fast cash payday loan online only to end up in a position in which you do serious harm to your overall financial status.

Did you know? The main problem with borrowing money fast is that a lot of people end up burying themselves in debt by increasing the money that they have borrowed on a regular basis. The key to avoiding this terrible situation is to never take out more than you afford to pay back when you receive your paycheck. Moreover, it is important that you only borrow money fast through these services for emergency purposes.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Team building something better than good bingo players

The journey of team building contains a certain dynamic that can help empower your team members in their personal lives and the legacy they will ultimately leave behind. Let me illustrate.

Someone once told me about a funeral they had attended. It wasn’t so much that they knew the woman who had passed away, but she was the mother of a member of their team and out of respect they attended the funeral.

Appropriate songs were sung and the minister stepped to the pulpit where he began to deliver the woman’s eulogy. It was easy to see he struggled with what to say. As it turns out it wasn’t that he was emotional, he just didn’t know the woman well and very few relatives could recall deeds of heroics or selflessness she had exhibited over the years. Her life might well have been described as self absorbed and unremarkable.

In the end the minister briefly mentioned her role as mother and an employee at a local factory, but then he said something rather peculiar, “She was really good at bingo.”

Bingo, by its very nature is a game of chance. There is no prevailing skill in playing the game. Letters and numbers are called and you fill in the blanks until someone gets a bingo. Yes, the game can be fun, but to have one of your best life moments described as a good bingo player may not be the legacy one might hope to leave. Yet, one of the things most recalled about this poor woman was a game that required no skill. I do not bring this up as a point of humor, but rather a sad commentary on a life without purpose.

No one could seem to come up with the very things that could help identify her purpose and legacy in life. There just wasn’t much to work with.

Sadly the daughter agreed. Her mother had never really been one to invest in the lives of her children or grandchildren. She didn’t care for other people and was not generally thought of as a kind person.

This brings us to team leaders. You have a choice to be selfish or giving in relation to your team members. You have a choice to invest in your team or let them struggle on their own without any encouragement from you.

You could leave them on their own, but why would you want to?

At the end of your life someone will eulogize you. Will they have something better than, “He or she was really good at Bingo?” Will you be thought of as a kind leader?

You and your team members are in a silent, but steady pursuit of a legacy. That legacy demands that the sum total of the team efforts creates something much greater than a list of individual talent and statistics.

This same concept should follow all team members into their personal lives because our individual and corporate legacy is comprised of something more valuable than the winnings of a game of bingo.

Robots. txt an online marketers friend or foe

robots. txt is possibly the most miss understood file that a website can contain.

Many people think that by using a robots. txt file on their website they are protecting pages and folders from thieves and hackers. In fact it is totally the opposite! robots. txt opens up an enormous security hole that hackers and theives will use to easily gain access to the parts of your website that you don't want them to.

What is robots. txt?

robots. txt is a file that you create and upload to your websites root directory that is used by search engine spiders to determine which parts of your website they should index and which folders/pages that you, the website owner,

don't want listed in search engine indexes.

Why would not want pages indexed?

There are many reasons why you might not want search engines to index pages on your website, such as private membership pages or exclusive training pages and such like.

If you are an Internet Marketer selling your own ebook or other digital product, you wouldn't want your thank you pages indexed either!

And this is where the misunderstanding comes to the fore, and robots. txt becomes your foe.

Many online marketers who provide ebooks or other digital products for instant download will list their download thank you pages in the robots. txt file because they obviously don't want those pages indexed in search engines.

By using robots. txt this way though, you will be opening up your product to anyone who has a slight bit of knowledge about how the file works.

robots. txt is easily readable by any human that opens a browser and types in yourdomain. com/robots. txt and if you have listed your thank you pages, all they have to do is go to that url and take your product(s)!

It's that easy!

And I'm living proof that this works, as this is exactly what happened to me. I had listed my thank you pages in robots. txt and thought that they were safe from hackers and thieves, then one day I was checking my web site stats and BAM, someone had been to every single thank you page, and taken everything.

The moral is, don't list any URL in robots. txt that you don't want humans to have free access to. Use robots. txt with great caution and secure your thank you pages using dedicated software.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Where to find free exercises to flatten stomach

They are everywhere; magazines where on the front cover have beautiful models showing off their flat stomach and a caption that may say something similar to "Want flat abs, we'll show you how!" These magazine articles are great for some people who want to spend the money to buy the magazine in order to find out how to flatten their stomach. Then there are endless websites that if you sign up and pay the fee, you will be given exercise routines meant to flatten you stomach. Again, this may be a good source for some people who have this goal, but where can you go to find free exercise to flatten stomachs?

The internet is probably one of the best sources for finding free information. There are hundreds of sites a person will find just by using the search words "free stomach exercises" or similar phrases. These sites will give step-by-step instructions on how to perform a variety of exercises to flatten stomachs. When a person finds several exercises he or she likes, it is simple to print them out and have the paper available when performing the exercise.

Another good source to find free exercises to flatten stomachs is at a library. The library may actually have more information then the internet; it is just not as convenient. A person who takes the time to visit the library can find books on how to flatten their stomach read magazine articles and borrow videos that talk about exercises to flatten stomachs.

One source for finding free exercise to flatten stomachs is the television. If a person can set aside a specific time during the day for exercise, there are many television programs on throughout the day that are exercise related, even channels dedicated just to exercise and health. Many of these shows will focus on flattening stomachs, since this is a primary goal of most people that exercise. This method for finding free exercises to flatten stomachs may be the least convenient and may not be feasible to everyone, but for some people that can find the right program and make it work with their schedule or the ability to record for use at a later time, it may be a good option.

For people that truly need to loose weight around their stomachs for health reasons, doctors are probably the best source for free exercises to flatten stomachs. They will have available many brochures and other material that will help the person in their goal to look and feel better. In addition, a doctor would be a good source for finding out other places to obtain this information.

There are hundreds of sources for finding exercises to flatten stomachs. Some of these sources require a purchase or even an investment. There are also many sources available that offer free exercises to flatten stomach muscles. Just because a person paid for the information does not necessarily make it better. Remember, the best exercise is the exercise that works for the individual, regardless of the source.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

The survivalist s guide to walt disney world

You’ve talked to your travel agent, read the guide books, and now you believe that you are ready to experience a family vacation to Disney World with your family. However, for many tourists, this vacation taken the first, second, and even the third time, can lead to an intense sensory overload, not to mention too many dehydrating days in the sun, leading one to believe that they missed a lot of what this wonderful area had to offer. As a Floridian, whose family has worked at Disney throughout the years, maps of all four of Disney’s theme parks are forever burned into my memory as are some great survival tips that you and your family might be interested in.

First and foremost, decide as a family what is most important for you all to see. This will vary with the age of your children and your different interests. However, when everyone can decide on a plan, it’s time to plot out your day. For example, if a trip to the Magic Kingdom is agreed upon, decide which rides you MUST go on. Hopefully, you have obtained maps of the theme parks from your travel agent, your travel package, etc. so you know which rides are at what park and where they are. If you haven’t already checked it out, go to Disney’s website. It is a very valuable source of information. So, if your family decides that they must go on Space Mountain first, make that the first ride and bypass everything else. There will be time in the day to backtrack. Also, arrive at least half an hour before the park opens. This will give you time to be at the front gates, ready to make a run towards Space Mountain when the park opens. Be aware of what rides have fast pass tickets available. This will also help your planning as well. Since there are so many rides in the Magic Kingdom, you may not get to go on all of them in a day so only go on the rides you and your family have dreamed about and make it a priority to go on only them.

If going on your Disney vacation during the summer, please stay hydrated. During midday, when the sun beats down and reflects on the concrete, it can really feel like an oven. Contrary to popular belief, you can bring your own water bottles and snacks with you into the park. Just bring a tote bag and, though all bags are checked, Disney officials don’t mind if you have a couple of drinks and a pack of granola bars. Just don’t go overboard. Food prices are high at Disney. Water usually costs around 2.00. Also, from 11:30 in the morning until around 4:00, the theme parks are very busy and the day is at its hottest. Don’t overstress yourself during these times. Instead, find some shade and take a break from the day or go on a ride that you hopefully have a fast pass for. Since the lines are also extraordinary long during these times, if you don’t have a fast pass, go on one of the more unpopular rides where the lines are the shortest. In the Magic Kingdom these rides are The Carousel of Progress and the Hall of Presidents. At Epcot, the pavilion at Mexico is the best place to go and the little boat ride there is very enjoyable.

Another point that I have to stress is eating lunch and dinner. Please make reservations for the fancier sit-down restaurants because if you do not make them, you will be disappointed. Also, the theme parks only have so many fast food restaurants and around 11:30, these places are packed! Believe me, it is no fun having to wait in line for thirty minutes only to have the only place to sit and eat be directly in the hot sun. So if you can, try to eat lunch around 11:00 or at about 1:30. This way you can eat in air conditioning and not have to wait so long. The same is said about dinner. Eat around 4:30 or after 7:00 to have a relaxing meal.

Above all, have fun! This is why so many families experience the Disney vacation year after year and now you can do it right and have a memorable, great time!

Monday, 18 April 2016

Finding lodging at lake huron

Lake Huron is one of more popular vacation destinations in the country. Finding lodging, of course, is the trick during busy season.

Finding Lodging at Lake Huron

Lake Huron is the third largest of the United States' five Great Lakes. It is located between Michigan and the province of Ontario in Canada. One section of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, is located entirely within Canada. The lake has over 3000 miles of shoreline, and there are tons of different Lake Huron hotels, motels and bed an breakfast places in which you can stay for your vacation.

You will want to decide upon your Lake Huron lodgings depending on which country you want to vacation in. If you are looking for a Canadian trip, you will want to stay at one of the many places in Huron County, in the western part of Ontario. There are many different types of places for spending the night located here, like the bed and breakfast the Little Inn of Bayfield, which is located in Bayfield, Ontario. This inn has a four diamond (by the Canadian Automobile Association) restaurant, a spa and different packages for their getaways.

Another beautiful Lake Huron hotel located in Ontario is Brentwood on the Beach, located in Zurich, Ontario. This luxury palace is right on the water with a private beachfront as well as other amenities. There are spas, pools, golf and a sumptuous breakfast to complete your stay. You also have your choice of staying in a cottage or a room. Packages and getaway weekends are also available.

Also located in the Canadian portion of Lake Huron is the world's largest lake island, Manitoulin. This island has Canada's last existing Indian reservation, as well as other scenic views and hiking trails. There are quite a few different places on Manitoulin to choose from, and there are both inns and bed and breakfasts.

You can also choose to stay in Michigan, where there are many quaint towns located along the beaches of Lake Huron. Some towns to look at here include Lake Huron, Saginaw and Bay City, Michigan.

How to pick the perfect wedding dress

You got proposed to, you picked the caterer, the flowers, the song - all you need is that perfect wedding dress. If you didn't like a single dress you saw, it is time to define what it is that you are looking for. Here are different types of wedding dresses - pick the one that goes best with your style and personality. You should also look for a dress that will be appropriate for the type of wedding you are having. A dress perfect for a beach wedding might not be appropriate for a formal wedding, and vice versa.

Here are different wedding dresses to help you pick the one that is perfect for you:

- Princess Wedding Dresses. Want to look like a princess from a fairy tale on your wedding day? Then search for formal, beautiful dresses that will make you look and feel like a princess on this very special day.

Wedding dress stores, as well as online stores should have plenty of princess style wedding dresses in stock.

- Informal Wedding Dresses. Don't like anything formal, and want to feel comfortable on your wedding day? Pick something beautiful and informal at the same time. You might not even need a typical wedding dress from a wedding store. In addition to shopping at specialty wedding stores, look at department stores and special occasion dresses. You might find something there that is perfect for you.

- Beach Wedding Dresses. If you are throwing a wedding on a beach, or a beach themed wedding, you might want to look for a simple dress, that looks elegant at the same time. Something you can wear with pretty sandals, or as some brides do it, with bare feet. A beach ceremony with ocean as your background - what can be better?

Good luck with picking your dress and enjoy your wedding. At the end of the day, the most important thing is not what you wear, who comes to the wedding, and what kind of food you serve. What really matters are the vows you make and the new life you are starting with your new husband.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Ten things to do in london

If you’re planning a vacation to London, be sure to take advantage of this wonderful city with so much to offer. London is brimming with an array of exciting things to do and things to see for all ages and tastes. As one of the culture capitals of the world, London holds sight seeing and tourist adventures that you can’t experience anywhere else. Get the most out of your London vacation and let it loose by visiting these ten must see things to do in London!

1. The British Museum. Sir Hans Sloane had contributed his mass collection of over 71,000 interesting items when the British Museum was founded in 1753. In the nineteenth century, the museum began to flourish, increasing its inventory of interesting items to over seven million; many of these items are over 10,000 years old. The British Museum’s charter had insisted that the museum remain open free of charge to all those curious and studious persons who wish to enter. Spend and astounding afternoon wandering the eternal corridors and discover some of mankind’s greatest cultural achievements and explore the great relics of the Greek and Egyptian empires.

2. British Airways London Eye. Welcoming nearly four millions guests each year, the London Eye has become one of the most popular attractions in London. This observation wheel stands 135 meters over the city of London and is currently the tallest observation wheel in the world. This exploitation of modern engineering allows visitors to view London with a new perspective, revealing sections of the city that are nor visible from the ground. Described as an inspiring and enchanting experience, the London Eye has become an essential to visitors to complete the London experience.

3. Saint Paul’s Cathedral. A fascinating depot of British history and an inspirational centerpiece of reconstruction after the great London fire of 1666, Sir Christopher Wren’s cathedral still remains a spiritual focus of Great Britain. Famous for hosting royal weddings, birthdays, celebrations and even funerals of Great Britain leaders under the great dome of Saint Paul’s Cathedral and a beautiful piece of history.

4. The National Gallery. Located in the heart of Trafalgar Square it houses some of the world’s finest art dating back to the 13th century. Construction of the National Gallery began in 1832 and since then had collected the fine arts of da Vinci, Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh and many more. A visitor can spend days inside the National Gallery trying to view all its contents.

5. London Zoo. Regents Park contains one of the world’s most famous zoo’s that is home to over 12,000 animals. Animal shows are held daily to allow zoo visitors to learn more about a species through the animals’ handler. The London Zoo is considered a must see among visitors and residents and is suggested to be visited at least twice in order to complete the London Zoo experience.

6. Tate Modern. Viewed as London’s most innovative gallery, it includes an array of exhibitions and grand collections of modern art. Appealing to children and adults, amateurs and experts, with the collections of artists like Andy Warhol, Matisse and Bacon. Tate Modern is considered one of the top must see galleries of London.

7. Tower of London. Built with imported white stone from France, the Tower of London has been known to protect, imprison, and execute the people of London. The Tower of London was dubbed the “bloody tower” where Richard III had allegedly murdered his nephews.

8. The Natural History Museum. An attractive gothic building that houses one of the world’s largest collections of dinosaurs with exhibitions dominating the great halls and towering above awe stricken visitors.

9. The Madame Tussaud’s Experience. A museum of abhorrent waxworks and animatronics displays demonstrating the darkest parts of British history with beheading, torture, murder and plague completed with grisly sound effects. Staff would often dress up in costume and jump out at unsuspecting visitors to add excitement to the mix.

10. Westminster Abbey. A medieval masterpiece and the burial ground for kings, scientists, statesmen, poets and musicians since 1066. Visitors can enjoy the intriguing literary history, the artistic talent that went into the paintings, tombs and murals and be taken aback by the gothic architecture. The Westminster Abbey has become one of London’s most stunning churches.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Woodworking tools - a detailed guide

Woodworking is a popular and relaxing hobby. When you get started, you will need a variety of woodworking tools. You don’t need to spend a fortune to get started. By purchasing what you can used and shopping for discount tools you can build your collection without spending a fortune.

Chisels: Look for high quality, durable chisels, as these will get a lot of use. Rockler woodworking chisels are durable and affordable. You will need a variety of chisels in sizes from ј to 2 inches wide, depending on the project. Chisels can be used by hand or you can tap them with a wood mallet.

Clamps are needed for gluing projects together. A wide variety of sizes are available. These are generally inexpensive, so pick them up whenever you find them. These can often be found used in good condition. Pick them up whenever you find them cheap to build your collection.

Squares are important for accurate measuring. You will need a framing square or a carpenter square. A try square is often used in furniture making. These come in sizes from three to twelve inches. Look for squares that are marked in inches and metric. A combination square has two pieces: a head on a steel blade. These are a great tool for measuring 45 or 90 degree angles.

Drills come in corded or cordless models. Corded drills work well and are less expensive. Great features to look for include reverse, variable speed controls and attachments for a drill press. If you want a cordless drill, look for high voltage batteries to be sure it will have adequate power. Look for a model with two batteries, so one can be charging while you work with the other. You will need a variety of drill bits for woodworking projects.

Hand planes are made of steel or wood and are used for a variety of purposes. A jack plane is used for rough shaping and comes in twelve to fifteen inch sizes. A block plane is used for trimming. Smoothing planes are good for fine cuts and are eight or nine inches long.

Other tools you will need include:

o 16 ounce claw hammer

o wrenches

o screwdrivers

o tape measure

o safety glasses

o sand paper

o level

o hack saw

o pliers

o hand saw

Finding Woodworking Tools

Don’t rush out to buy the cheapest tools you can find to supply your workshop. Wait until you can afford quality items that will last. Buying cheap tools is a decision you could well live to regret. A good set will last for years, unlike cheap tools which will have to be replaced many times over the same time period.

The internet is a good place to search for discount woodworking tools. Look for well known names, such as Rockwell tools, Sears tools, Hitachi tools and Ridgid tools. Rockler woodworking tools are well known for quality. By purchasing major brands that are known for quality, you are more likely to end up with a product that will give you years of dependable use.

One way to find quality tools at an affordable price is to buy them used. These can be found at flea markets, yard sales, antique auctions or your local classifieds. Tools are often in good shape, particularly if they got little use. Hand tools are almost always a good bet when purchased used.

Be careful when purchasing used power tools. They are generally good if they were gently or rarely used. Check them out thoroughly and try them to be sure they are in good condition. Ask about how often they were used and when they were first purchased to get a better idea of the overall condition.

Friday, 15 April 2016

Ppc bid management

Over the past few years, pay per click advertising on the internet has literally exploded. In the past, search engine optimization was considered to be the main component of search engine marketing. However, in today’s online world, PPC has become just as important and valuable as organic search engine traffic. Even in situations where your web site is ranking well organically for your desired keyword, a strong pay per click advertising campaign can help with things such as brand recognition and trust building among potential visitors.

Although the idea of running a PPC campaign may seem simple enough, pay per click advertising campaigns can become extremely overwhelming and much more complicated than you originally intended. Like most things in the internet marketing world, a pay per click needs to be monitored on a daily basis. If it is left unattended, there are several bad events that can potentially take place. The most obvious consequence of neglecting a PPC campaign is losing money. Although a well-managed campaign can provide you with significant financial benefits, one that is not carefully watched can cost you a lot of money. Whether it is caused by click fraud or a raised bid, losing money as a result of a pay per click campaign is not an enjoyable experience. In addition to losing money, an unsupervised PPC campaign can be affected by other events such as a drop in quality score or un-targeted clicks.

Because a pay per click advertising campaign requires a lot of work and a lot of monitoring, it is best to find a qualified professional to manage your PPC campaign. Professional PPC bid management companies can provide you all the resources you need to have a successful campaign. From the beginning, the can optimize your landing pages and ad text, research keywords and bid information, detect any unusual activity and continually monitor your ROI. With the help of professional PPC bid management, regardless of whether you are a single person operation or a large company, you can ensure that your PPC campaign helps you achieve all of your online goals.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

The magic of the right forearm

"In essence, bending and straightening the Right Elbow will raise and lower the left arm and/or cock and uncock the left wrist without bending, flattening, or cocking the right wrist. Right elbow action either powers and/or controls all three elements of the Three Dimensional Impact, (downward, outward, and forward)." Homer Kelley

But when combined with the bending backward of the right wrist the clubshaft and right forearm fall into line with one another. This is absolutely crucial in delivering a fully supported club into the ball.

"With this "inline" relationship of loading the club and Right Forearm it is mandatory that Hitting or Swinging it is the Right Forearm - not just the right hand and/or clubshaft - that must be thrown, driven, into Impact. Always, for all procedures, the Right Forearm is positioned "on Plane" - pointing at the Plane Line as the Angle of Attack." Homer Kelley

"The On Plane Right Forearm shows the precise up-and-down direction it and the Clubshaft must make throughout the Stroke. The "Angle of Approach" position of the Right Forearm show the precise Cross-Line direction the Forearm must take through Impact. So the Right Forearm must leave - and precisely return - to its own Fix Position." - Homer Kelley

For a drill, take a club in your right hand and hold it horizontal to the ground. Now lower the Right Forearm and clubshaft to a table top. You'll see that both the Right Forearm and clubshaft are in one line. Now move the Right forearm back and forth making sure that it does not leave the table. This is called Right Forearm tracing.

Now bend the right wrist backward and you'll notice that the clubshaft and Right Forearm are once again in line but this time they form a "wedge". Move this assembly back and forth on the table. You now have a precision assembly and the Right Forearm Flying Wedge.

The goal with this drill is to make you aware of what the Right Forearm and clubshaft should do during the stroke. When the clubshaft and Right Forearm are in the same alignment you have a positive force into Impact, lag pressure, and a sound that is unmistakable!

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

How to buy a telescope

So you have decided that you want to take up astronomy. Many do! It’s a fascinating hobby after all. Many take up astronomy because their interest has been fired by a TV documentary which introduces them to the wonders of the heavens. Others become interested after talking to an avid amateur astronomer, and get bitten by the bug of wanting to look at a closer view of the stars and planets.

Still others were interested as children, but then lost the interest, only to have it rekindled in later life, perhaps by seeing a TV documentary, talking to an amateur astronomer, or maybe just one day looking up at the night sky and being bitten with a longing for those long-forgotten childhood pleasures of discovering the universe.

So the next step is, of course, to go out and buy a telescope. Or is it? Here’s a strange piece of advice, think of a pair of binoculars first. Why? Because, quite simply, a good pair of binoculars will allow you to see much of what you can see with a telescope. And a good pair of binoculars can often give a better view (a much better view in many cases) than a cheap telescope.

This is because binoculars have a wide field of view and allow you to navigate the sky very easily. Many great things can be seen with binoculars, including hundreds of thousands of stars, many of the most striking star clusters and most of the planets of the solar system. You can also see much of the detail of the moon, including craters and mountains.

But eventually you will want a telescope. And as with all purchases, the best thing to do is ask an expert which is the best one. And where do you find experts? At your local astronomy club, of course. Ask the members about the pros and cons of the different telescopes. Every telescope has its advantages and disadvantages. With the experience of a pro under your belt you’ll be able to buy the telescope that’s right for your viewing needs.

Happy viewing.

The history of fishing in maine

Fishing has played an important part in Maine’s rich and varied history from as early as the 19th century. Alongside mining, lumbering and shipbuilding, commercial fishing played an important role in the economic development of Maine, which remained one of the areas most popular industries for several decades. However, developments in the mining and manufacturing industries saw a decline of Maine’s fishing industry. Fortunately, smaller communities living on and around Maine’s numerous rivers and lakes ensured that fishing would remain part of the areas heritage and become the hugely popular tourist attraction that it is today.

Following on from this foundation, Maine now bases much of its economy on the tourism industry. Though Maine has many attractions, not least of all its lush areas of natural beauty, the fishing locations on offer are arguably the premier attraction for visitors from around the globe. As a result of Maine’s unique mix of freshwater and saltwater fishing locations, countless fishing communities are continuing to thrive on the back of keen enthusiasts and professional anglers alike.

Maine is also home to more than its fair share of fishing heritage, including that of Cornilia Crosby, or “Fly Rod” as she was affectionately known. Cornilia had the honour of being the first person to be awarded with a Guiding License in 1897 having spent years learning the woods, lakes and rivers of Maine. As the nickname would suggest, Cornilia was a keen angler who became highly skilled at fly-fishing. One story in particular claims that Cornilia landed 200 trout in a single day.

Cornilia began journaling her fishing expeditions and submitted them to numerous publishers and editors under her nickname of “Fly Rod”. Such a hit were her tales that “Fly Rod’s Notebook” became a hugely popular column in newspapers in New York, Boston and Chicago, and no doubt attracted hundreds of keen fisherman from around the country to the rivers and lakes of Maine.

Fortunately for the people of Maine, the lakes and rivers remain some of the best fishing locations in the world, and countless fishing resorts continue to prosper on the back of superb scenery, big fish and warm, friendly communities. With well over a hundred years of fishing heritage, Maine continues to make history as one of the world’s premier recreational fishing locations.

I love dental floss - dentists love dental floss and why you should too

Everytime I go in to see the dentist for that annual cleaning I hear the same thing. "You only need to floss the ones that you want to keep" I think it's the joke of the industry and everyone uses it. Still, there's something very important in the statement. You see, I'm the guy that simply loves to floss my teeth. In the car, at home watching television, and of course every evening after a good and thorough brushing.

If you're not in love with dental floss, then you probably don't realize not only how important it is for good oral hygiene but also how great it makes your teeth feel. Consider teeth like boxes stacked up against each other. Two sides show while two sides are against each other. Now imagine how much a tooth brush can clean those two sides of your teeth that are against one another. Not much, right?

Brushing alone simply isn't enough to reach the plaque from the inside surface between your teeth. The Interproximal areas or places between your teeth and below the gum line are two spots where the toothbrush simply can't reach and old food particles get stuck, becoming a perfect growth environment for plaque. These are the places where cavities are also likely to develop. Once plaque hardens, it needs removed at that regular visit to the dentist I was telling you about above. Daily flossing however, cleans out the plaque before it completely hardens, keeping your teeth looking better, and healthier, and removing a major cause of bad breath.

Drumroll please......So Enter Dental Floss and the act of flossing. Dental floss looks simply like thread, usually made of inorganic material such as nylon. Dental floss comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes including waxed, non-waxed, flat, round and textured, with baking soda, with fluoride and even with it's own dental floss holders. These items can be found at drug stores, grocery stores or through medical supply stores.

So when flossing, find one that you like. My personal favorite is mint flavored waxed. Boy, you just can't beat the ease of use and minty flavor. Anyway....Dental floss comes on a roll in a plastic container. Pull off a couple of feet of floss. Hey, it's cheap and it makes the job much easier.

Next, wind one end around your index finger a couple of times. The trick here is to wind it around enough that you can pull the long end and it won't slip off your finger. Now grasp the long end, wrap it once or twice around your other index finger leaving about 1-2 inches of floss between both fingers and prepare for a wonderful experience.

Simply open your mouth, place one finger against the 1-2 inch piece of floss and push between two teeth. When just starting out, use any teeth that you're comfortable reaching. Now once the floss is between your teeth, use it like a little brush and pull it against one tooth and move it up and down between the teeth then do the other tooth surface.

Finally pull the dental floss out from between those two teeth. You should feel a little tug and a snap as the floss frees itself from between the two teeth. Sometimes with a good build up of plaque, this snap will release little pieces of white like goo. This is good.

Next, wrap another two inches of floss around your index finger, grab the long end again with another inch or two of clean dental floss and you're ready for the next teeth. Repeat with another two teeth until you go around and clean between all of them. personally, I can do several teeth before I need to "freshen" my floss. Flossing leaves your mouth feeling clean and fresh without the need to artificial breath fresheners.

If done right with healthy teeth and gums, flossing will not by itself cause your mouth or gums to bleed. Bleeding can happen however if you accidentally push the floss into your gums to hard. Not to worry though, a quick rinse with cold water will usually take care of everything.

One final word of caution. Flossing can be addictive

The secret of self-hypnosis

What can a person do to attract more success in their life? What if they want to let go of a habit, chronic pain, fear or phobia, or they want to manage their weight or stop smoking? Any one of these and a host of other issues can either be helped or resolved through the power of the subconscious mind.

The subconscious makes up the majority of the human mind. And since that is where our habits and emotions are, the subconscious is where true change occurs. The best way to communicate with the subconscious mind is through hypnosis, either with a certified hypotherapist or with self-hypnosis. After all, most hypnotherapists would agree that “all hypnosis is self-hypnosis”. This is due to the fact that the individual is always in control.

Self-Hypnosis can be practiced daily, assisting individuals in creating positive change in their life. The steps for self-hypnosis include relaxation and visualization, in addition to using positive thoughts to create the positive change. In fact, the mind is not motivated to make the change when negative words are used such as “lose” weight, or “quit” smoking. It is more beneficial to use positive words such as smoke “free” or “ideal” weight.

Self-hypnosis should be done when a person is alert, and they are able to relax without falling asleep. They begin by taking deep breaths and slowly counting from five to one as they feel themselves relaxing. A positive thought is focused on such as: “I am happy, healthy, and at my ideal weight”, as they imagine themselves in a peaceful place.

After several minutes of repeating the thought, the person will become alert again by counting from one to five and saying to themselves “when I open my eyes, I will feel alert and refreshed”. As a result of practicing self-hypnosis, an individual will not only reduce stress, they will bring about positive change.

Monday, 11 April 2016

What is embarrassment

What is embarrassment? Embarrassment is a form of emotion that makes us feel professionally or socially wrong in regards to words, thoughts and actions, as perceived and pointed out to us by other people. This can result in some loss of personal dignity or honor, but the type and amount is all Dependant on the situation at the time.

Embarrassment has been confused by some with shame. Shame is different in that the person who has been shamed has done something that to others or society is considered to be wrong morally.

There are two main forms of embarrassment, including professional and personal. Each one has distinctive, but similar characteristics.


Professional embarrassment or official embarrassment is defined by a lack of confidence in actions taken or the deliberate ignoring of evidence in work. When this involves embarrassment at work or on official business, this may have come as a result of the loss of materials, money or even life. Some examples of these include corrupt government practices, failure in public policies, unethical forms of behavior, personal actions and habits of a public figure that face legal redress or public opinion, or alternatively official people caught in personal situations that cause them embarrassment.

Such forms of embarrassment do not need to be major in nature. The tiniest miscalculation or error can result in more official or public embarrassment, especially if this relates to safety of people. One example of this can be found in the Challenger space shuttle disaster, where human error prior to the launch resulted in the deaths of all the astronauts, NASA was publicly embarrassed and the errors/miscalculations could have been avoided had proper action been taken.

Of course, not every professional type embarrassment becomes so publicly known. Some events occur that create embarrassment, but for the person themselves. An example of this is when a political candidate loses an election. The person involved has not done anything wrong, but the hopes of many of the people supporting this person were dashed and as a result the candidate will feel embarrassment. Alternatively, a medical researcher can propose a theory that is widely upheld by the medical community, only to find that they did not account for something in that theory and someone proves the theory to be invalid. The researcher would not be publicly embarrassed as much as they would feel a lower level of personal embarrassment.

Generally speaking, official or public embarrassment results in a public outrage, the denial of any involvement on the part of the person who caused the embarrassing situation, or an attempt to make the embarrassment not look as bad or serious as it appears. In some cases, the embarrassed party will take steps to remedy the situation by issuing press releases/statements, resign their position, move, avoid the press or the general public, accept a demotion or loss of employment and may even behave as if there was nothing that occurred.


Embarrassment can be more personal. In this case the person can have unwanted intrusion into their personal affairs or mistakes. Their character may even be questioned by others, especially when the embarrassment is as a result of such actions a lying, losing a competition, burping, passing wind or being caught in the act of sex. In some cultures, incorrect forms of dress are considered embarrassing.

Another form of this embarrassment can come as the result of what other people do to the embarrassed person. Some examples include a parent showing baby pictures to the boyfriend of their daughter that they hardly know, unwarranted comments or criticism about the way that person is attired or behaving, being the topic of unknown gossip, personal rejection, being pushed into being a focal point of attention, or seeing someone else getting embarrassed.

When a person is personally embarrassed, for whatever reason, they can experience one or all of the following reactions:

• Blushing

• Nervousness

• Sweating

• Fidgeting

• Stammering

• Twitching

Most people will initially try to cover up their feeling of embarrassment by laughing in a nervous fashion or donning a weak smile. This is perfectly normal in situations where a breach of etiquette has occurred. In more embarrassing situations, though, a person, may faint, cry or even runaway.

Embarrassment is a normal reaction to situations where a loss of face, mistake or even a willful error has been made. Each person has a different response to embarrassing situations, and Dependant on the person’s standards and the situation itself, the person may not feel embarrassed at all.

Travel south america

From Patagonia in the south to Columbia and Venezuela in the north, South America offers travelers with an entire continent to explore. Visitors who travel South America can visit tremendous mountains, amazing rain forests and beautiful beaches. A trip to South America will expose travelers to various languages and cultures from both the new world of Europe to the ancient societies of South America’s indigenous people.

South America is almost entirely surrounded by water with the Pacific Ocean on the west coast, the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast and the Caribbean Sea to the North. As all but two countries in South America have coastal access, travelers to South America will see the influence of the sea in the cities and people who live in them.

When you travel South America don’t forget to visit the following countries and attractions:


A narrow country that runs along the west coast from the southern tip of South America to the midpoint of the continent, Chile offers a tremendous amount of ecological and geographic diversity. Visitors will marvel at the numerous volcanoes, geysers and glaciers that make Chile an adventure travelers dream in South America.


From Chile’s eastern border to the Atlantic coastline, Argentina occupies the balance of South America’s southern tip with one of the most European-influenced cultures on the Continent. Don’t let recent economic troubles discourage a visit to Argentina, as falling prices make it one of the most economical countries within South America for travelers to visit.


South America’s largest individual country Brazil is one stop no traveler should miss. From the liveliness and excitement of large cities like Sao Paolo and Rio de Janiero to the remote Amazon jungle, Brazil is a unique nation full of social, environmental and economic complexities that must be seen first-hand to appreciate. Travelers to South America should not miss the Brazilian celebration of Carnivale; one of the most impressive displays of national culture anywhere in the world.


Even though it is one of the poorer countries in South America, Bolivia offers travelers with amazing Andean landscapes that are the home of mysterious, ancient civilizations. Visitors will be welcomed by the cultural wealth of Bolivias people.


On the Pacific coast, the nation of Peru offers multiple layers of many great civilizations. Travelers should not miss the city of Lima and the magic of the ruins of the ancient Incan city of Machu Picchu.


Ecuador is home to one of the world’s most amazing natural resources: The island of the Galapogos chain are home to the unique plant and animal species that provided Charles Darwin with the observations that led to his theory of evolution. Today, travelers to South America can visit the Galopagos islands and view the same species that Darwin did.


Venezuela is home to South America’s largest lake, third largest river, and some of the world’s most amazing waterfalls. Travelers to Venezuela should ignore its political controversies and visit it for the amazing natural and cultural wonders they can experience.


The Columbia of Hollywood movies is far removed from the snow-capped mountains and white-sand beaches that travelers will experience. Visit this South American nation, and enjoy all that it has to offer in relative security.

Travel and scenic photography 101

When you are driving through the mountains somewhere, & you notice a automobile parked half off the road & some guy leaning to the left to avoid a branch with his Rebel 2000 camera in the act of focusing, you have met me. I do this because, to me, a trip isn't fulfilling unless i have preserved that beauty for posterity. I'd like to share a quantity of the techniques that make scenic photography such a wonderful artform - simple, yet elegant.

First off, equipment. As much as the cheapo disposable camera beckons, get real. These cameras have fisheye lenses which I call "spam" lenses. we cram everything in, with equal blurriness & boringness. nice photos are sharp, unless you use blur for artistic effect. Sharp comes from an adjustable lens. It can be a fixed lens or a zoom, but it must focus specially for each picture. Fixed lenses are limiting for scenic pics, where to frame the shot you may require to move long distances. Imagine using a fixed lens on the Washington Monument, when you are half a block away! Zooms get my vote, even though we often don't have as wide an aperture, which limits their capabilities in low light situations.

Practically speaking, an SLR is the absolute best. we are lightweight, & can be used with top quality lenses. Film SLRs tend to be less expensive, but have the limitations of film, meaning you have to get it developed & so forth. Digital SLRs are VERY expensive, so for the budget conscious either go with a film SLR or a high quality basic digital camera. With digital, resolution is also a critical factor, so look at the specs before you buy.

OK, we have got the camera, emotions are jogging high, & that's great, but not great! sometimes I find a spot that's so wonderful, I start shooting like a madman, only to be disappointed by the pics. What happened? Emotions. When you experience a place, there are sounds, aromas & breezes as well as the visuals of the spot. Needless to say, you cannot photograph all of these elements, only the visual. When overwhelmed by the spectacle of a scenic hotspot, we are often overwhelmed by all of these elements.

Now, I was a tad dishonest in saying that you cannot capture all of the elements of a scene. You can hint at them. For starters, motion. Yes, even in a still picture, there's motion. Something happened before, during & after your picture. In a mountain vista scene, you may find something that hints at motion, whether it be a branch of a tree that has been swaying in the breeze, or a river flowing through the valley below. These add a sense of motion.

So what to do? Look through your camera. The viewfinder does not lie (usually). Try to see what you are looking at as the finished picture. Most people perfunctorily take pics, hoping that somehow the shot will come out great. If you wonder how the pics came out when you are on the way to the drugstore to get them, you are doing something wrong. At the moment you click the pic, you should know exactly what you will get. (Of work with digital, that's not a trick!).

Then there's the "rule of thirds." When you place the main object of the picture smack-dab in the middle, it is static & boring. Place it one third of the way from either side, & you IMPLY motion. Put the horizon in a landscape photo a third of the way up or down, not across the middle.

Remember, when a person looks at a picture, their eyes move. You require to frame your photo to help that movement. If you can find some lines in the scene, such as a skyline, cloud formation, path through the forest, etcetera, use it interestingly, & with the rule of thirds to draw your viewer's eyes into the picture.

Avoid "summit syndrome." You get to the top of Mount Washington & shoot the majestic vista. Great. The pics come out .. boring! How? No PERSPECTIVE. Big vistas will be flat unless you have an object in the foreground, such as a rock or a tree, to give them perspective. Then the eye grasps how big this scene is. People enjoying the view is a real winner, because the viewer may identify with their emotions, giving the image real impact.

Cheese! Yes, you do have to take the family photos. it is obligatory. But when you do, make sure that we show the location of the photo. Otherwise, you might as well do it on your driveway. Frame the scene in context, with landmarks as part of the picture. Find a way to tell as story in the picture, such as little Sara climbing up the rocks by the waterfall.

Finally, any element in the picture that hints at more senses than the visual will make it remarkable. Actor headshots for example, tell a story about the subject. You can hear them saying their next lines. If you photograph a garden, the viewer may experience the aroma of the flowers. A tourist street with an accordion player on the corner may have your amazed friends whistling "Dixie."

In summation, picture taking on travel is recording the experience in a satisfying way. Use motion, perspective, sensory, storytelling & so forth, to bring your photos to life. Oh, & needless to say, make your job easy & go to great places! See you at the overlook!

Friday, 8 April 2016

Should i save mad money for a rainy day

Yes, this is a good idea! I know you want to know what is mad money? Well, a long time ago this term came about when a young lady went out with her friend to a party and her friend left her at the party with no way home. So, the young lady was mad with her friend that left her at the party and luckily for her, she had money stowed away in her shoe to take a cab back home. She thought to herself on her way home in the cab, that it was good that her mother had taught her to always have money set aside for emergency situations such as this!

Thank goodness, this young lady had the forethought to stash her mad money away so she could take a cab back home, since her friend left her in a lurch. Get the point? Having an emergency fund whether it be mad money or saved money is important for you to have. You say, how do I go about doing this? Well, you can read these tips to help you learn what you can do:

1) Set up a savings account specifically for your emergency fund or mad money fund. Whatever you want to call it, just establish one!

2) Deposit a certain amount of money on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis in your account. You may want to set up automatic deposits to your account via your payroll department. Or, you may want to have your bank automatically withdraw a certain amount of money from your checking account into your emergency or mad money savings account.

3) Try to save at least 2-3 months of your monthly salary to cover your bills for at least three months if you were to loose your job. This amount of time will hopefully allow you the cushion you need until you secure new employment.

4) The money you save in your emergency or mad money account should be used for household emergencies, personal emergencies or if you’re no longer able to work. Don’t use it for other expenditures such as bills, travel, etc... Get the idea? It’s a savings account that you don’t want to touch unless it’s absolutely necessary!

5) Make sure the bank account you put your emergency or mad money into, is paying you the most interest you can earn for this account! Research as many sources as possible on securing the best interest rate you can get. Check with your bank, the internet, newspaper and other sources for the prevailing interest rate. You want to make sure your money can be accessed easily and quickly if you need it for an emergency!

By establishing an emergency or mad money fund, this will give you a better peace of mind if you need access to money when there is an emergency in your life. So, the sooner you start setting money aside for a rainy day, the better off you will be! Make sure the amount of money you contribute to your emergency or mad money fund, is realistic for your budget. Save as much as you can without upsetting your overall personal or family finances. So go ahead, get started today!

Thursday, 7 April 2016

How your business can save 6500 year

If you run a small business, you probably have a hidden expense that’s eating your time, and your business’s money: Tracking employee time and productivity.

When businesses are small, traditional practice is to use some sort of manual time keeping system to log employee hours. Each employee fills out a paper time sheet, the payroll administrator goes over the time sheets, cuts the checks, handles the deductions and government paperwork, and deals with requests for time off, overtime and vacation days.

As businesses grow and add employees, this manual system becomes more and more cumbersome. The steps to automation start out small – an automated punch clock and pre-printed time cards, and a rapid switch from manual time keeping to using a spreadsheet.

But even this level of automation requires manual re-keying of data, and as the number of employees grows, the more demanding the needs are for your time and attendance and payroll systems. A lot of businesses end up “trapped” with a legacy system, usually cobbled together out of several different parts, perhaps even with custom programming in the mix.

Payroll accounting is a repetitive and aggravating task which takes up valuable administrative personnel who could be serving your business in other revenue generating capacities. Even with all the automated steps described above, payroll calculation errors account for nearly 10 billion dollars in assessed fees and lawsuits annually in the United States alone. Some estimates say that one in four employers make regular and habitual payroll errors, mostly dealing with withholding or insurance deductions. Others say this estimate is undercounting the problem, and that as the tax code gets more arcane, it will only get worse.

The single most common cause of payroll errors is, well, human errors. Especially in systems with paper based punch clocks or manual time cards, human error (as simple as transposing digits or double entering figures) can be very costly, and cause the need to do adjustment checks or entire correction payroll runs. Most payroll errors are in the range of 1-8%, and even at 1%, when multiplied over several employees, adds up to tens of thousands of dollars of lost revenue.

Human error gets compounded when paper time cards get smudged, coffee gets split on them, employee’s “buddy punch” for each other or they just record their time inaccurately. Couple this with the time spent to verify results, and the time spent doing payroll accounting (an average of 7 minutes per time card per employee), and you’ll see that a lot of this could be eliminated if you had an automated time and attendance system with integrated payroll processing functionality.

In addition to paying for itself in saved time and reduced error rates, an automated time and attendance and payroll system provides your management team with accurate information about which employees are in on time, and how many man hours (and dollars) are being spent on each part of a project, an important part of cost accounting and project management.

Furthermore, if you ever need to run a labor audit, an automated system gives you total hours worked per employee per day on a project, in real time. A fully automated system also helps prevent “buddy punching” and other tricks that employees can use to cover one another’s tardiness or absenteeism. These systems give you the real time data needed to manage your personnel.

Ultimately, using time and attendance software with integrated payroll functionality gives you a streamlined and more efficient set of business practices, which is obviously a benefit to your bottom line. From a manager’s perspective, these software packages allow you to look at attendance records by employee, money spent by project, as well as other important information about how your operation runs, all from a simple web browser interface.

These systems can even be used to let your employees do “self service” of several routine human resource related tasks – checking their time sheets, getting access to pay stubs, even arranging shift swaps or schedule changes, all from their web browser at home or at work.

Given the cost of payroll errors, most automated time and attendance and payroll solutions will pay for themselves in under a year by saving time for staff and reducing payroll errors. Indeed, if you assume a business with 20 full time employees averaging 10 dollars an hour – say a retail business - a 1% error rate translates into roughly $6500 dollars a year, which in most cases is much more then the software costs itself.